Why Body Safety Education Saves Emotional Lives!

In today's world, it's crucial to empower children with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves from unsafe touch. It’s essential to provide schools, parents and caregivers with the essential information and strategies needed to create a safe environment for their children, while also promoting social emotional learning (SEL) principles.  Download our Free  and E-Book plus Body Safety Program Checklist.

The Be Seen and Heard© sexual abuse prevention curriculum is evidence-based, research-based and and proven to be effective.

The Be Seen and Heard© sexual abuse prevention curriculum is evidence-based, research-based and and proven to be effective. It meets Erin’s Law mandate requirements and CDC guidelines for recommended solutions to reducing the mental and physical health consequences stemming from child sexual abuse and physical abuse. One in five children will experience a form of child sexual abuse; 90 percent by someone they know.


Over 450 Disclosures Because of the Be Seen and Heard© Curriculum

"The feedback I received on the presentations was outstanding and very positive. I look forward to working together again next year and in the future. Over the years, our staff has seen a variety of programs that fulfill Erin’s Law. They said Be Seen and Heard© is by far the best one!" ~Dr. Scott Schwartz - Superintendent Gavin School District 37


A Body Safety Curriculum Designed Appropriately For Different Grade Levels, Special Needs, Hearing Impaired, and Spanish speaking students.

"I created this for that eight year old little boy who was going to school every day trying to focus on math and science. Unfortunately, he was sexually abused by a family friend and couldn't stop thinking about it. He was threatened not to tell anyone. So, he didn't for eleven years. I am that little boy. My name is Victor Pacini. My mission now is to make a difference. I can help prevent abuse and give children all over the world a voice to never keep unsafe secrets no matter what."

Victor and his children...Mimmi, Angelo, and Luca

"Because of your courage in sharing your story, and also because you are such a dedicated advocate for all kids, this girl now has a voice and will no longer be victimized."

Denise Coleman
Superintendent, San Jose, Ca

A Law To Protect Children

"If only this was available to me when I was a student in school." 
Countless Parents that have previewed the Be Seen and Heard© Curriculum

Erin’s Law requires* that all public schools offer sexual abuse prevention education to help children gain the confidence to have a voice, and to speak up in cases of sexual abuse. These programs educate children to be able to recognize the signs of sexual abuse and teaches educators and other school officials to be able to recognize an abused child. Erin’s Law Programs also teach parents how to recognize the signs and provides resources for them to help sexually abused children in their family.

There are currently 37 states that have passed Erin’s Law into their state legislation and many more to come.

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming

*While most states require this law to be implemented, some states use the word, "encourages".

Three Powerful Ways To Deliver This Effective Curriculum


A Be Seen and Heard© presenter will visit your schools and create an interactive experience for your students..  


A Be Seen and Heard© presenter delivers the curriculum in the classroom through a live - online experience.


Your counselors or teachers can facilitate the online modules which include having engaging conversations with your students.

Get Started Today!

We are happy to get you a proposal and answer any questions you have.

In Person Presentations

A Be Seen and Heard presenter will visit your school(s) and will deliver the curriculum in an interactive presentation format.

1. You can choose to host a live stream parent information night.  We give an in depth overview of the curriculum with your parents...It's an opportunity for your parents to get their questions answered. 

2. You will receive the "Peace of Mind" video for your parents - This video is a shortened version of the live stream parent night.

3. The Following Downloadable PDF's:

  • The Curriculum Roadmap for staff that reinforces the appropriate terminology used
  • Trusted Hero Promise
  • Trusted Hero Poster
  • Other Motivational Posters
  • The 4 Rules To Staying Safe
  • The Opt Out Letter (template that can be customized for your district and specific state)
  • Protocols for Reporting Sexual Abuse form for teachers
  • Keeping My Family Safe - Courtesy of the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center

4. The Be Seen and Heard e-book for students and parents.

5. The 4 Communications - Erin’s Law recommends 4 communications on the topic of sexual abuse per year.  We provide three additional communications as 2-minute video modules that you show your students throughout the school year.


Live Stream Presentations

A Be Seen and Heard© presenter will visit your school(s) and will deliver the curriculum through a live - online experience.  We can be a guest on your online platform or utilize our zoom studio.

1. You can choose to host a live stream parent information night.  We give an in depth overview of the curriculum with your parents...It's an opportunity for your parents to get their questions answered. 

2. You will receive the "Peace of Mind" video for your parents - This video is a shortened version of the live stream parent night.

3. The Following Downloadable PDF's:

  • The Curriculum Roadmap for staff that reinforces the appropriate terminology used
  • Trusted Hero Promise
  • Trusted Hero Poster
  • Other Motivational Posters
  • The 4 Rules To Staying Safe
  • The Opt Out Letter (template that can be customized for your district and specific state)
  • Protocols for Reporting Sexual Abuse form for teachers
  • Keeping My Family Safe - Courtesy of the Chicago Children's Advocacy Center

4. The Be Seen and Heard e-book for students and parents.

5. The 4 Communications - Erin’s Law recommends 4 communications on the topic of sexual abuse per year.  We provide three additional communications as 2-minute video modules that you show your students throughout the school year.


Online Presentations

  • Access for one school year
  • Each facilitator gets their own username and password
  • Access to the online video modules 
  • Access to downloadable PDF's
  • Designed to go at your own pace
  • Staff training available on how to use the online platform
  • Technology support always available
“Thank you so much for what you do. You are truly meant to be educating students about this sensitive and difficult topic. I sincerely appreciate your gift.”  Social Worker - San Jose, Ca

“Your videos are a sense of security for our families.  Thank you!" Ray Brown -  Educator, Oregon



Test Drive Our Curriculum

Tell us which curriculum you would like to test drive and preview it for up to two hours. We will contact you within 24 hrs. to confirm your date and time.


I had the privilege of being interviewed by Karen Alpert.  She is the author of the very popular blog, Baby Sideburns. She is a mother of a student that experienced my program at their school.

...Victor talked to the kids about sexual abuse, and then one of the students came forward privately to their parents and told them something that had happened to them. Something bad. Their parents had NO idea.

Look at your arm right now. If it’s anything like mine, your hairs are standing on end.  

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. Or one of them at least. Because we can’t lock our kids up and shelter them completely. Every day they’re with teachers and babysitters and nannies and friends and uncles and aunts and grandpas and coaches and priests and counselors etc etc etc. The people we trust.

And that’s why something can happen. Because we trust them to be alone with our most prized possession in the whole entire world. Seriously, I get tears in my eyes typing this.

So as soon as I heard that Victor’s presentation had made such a big difference in one kid’s life at OUR school, guess what I did? I reached out to Victor to say two things:

1. THANK YOU!!!!

2. How can I help other parents?

Within 24 hours my cell phone was ringing and it was Victor calling me to talk. And let me just say that he is one AMAZING human being. Over 110 kids have come forward to report something after hearing him speak. ONE HUNDRED AND TEN!! And probably even wayyyyyy more because a lot of these things are kept confidential so I’m sure he doesn’t hear about all of them.

And do you know what a difference it makes when a kid comes forward and gets help instead of keeping all that scary stuff all bottled up inside? It is HUGE. Not to mention all the kids who may have stopped someone from touching them inappropriately after his presentation.

I’m going to give you a few of the most important things he taught me when we spoke. So here goes, four things you absolutely need to know about protecting your kiddos when it comes to sexual abuse:

1. “No one touches your private parts unless it’s to keep you clean and healthy.”

You want to start talking to your kiddos about this stuff as early as kindergarten, maybe even earlier. “No one touches your private parts unless it’s to keep you clean and healthy.” Use those words. Because yes a doctor can touch you IF your parents are in the room. And yes a grandparent can touch you IF it’s to clean you in the tub. You DON’T want to scare them but you DO want to talk to them.

2. Safe secrets and unsafe secrets

Teach them that there are “safe secrets” and “unsafe secrets.” A safe secret is something like “I’m keeping Ella’s birthday party a secret so I don’t hurt anyone’s feelings.” An unsafe secret is something like “My friend told me her music teacher is touching her.” Kids need to understand this difference.

3. Erin’s Law

Are your kids learning about sexual abuse in school? If your kid is in public school in any one of these states, it is a LAW that they have to:

Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wyoming

It’s called Erin's Law, only here’s the thing. Lots of schools have been slacking and not doing it even though they’re supposed to, so check to make sure your school is. And if you live in a state that’s not on this list, demand that your government get Erin’s Law passed where you are. It will literally save lives.

4. Talking about it is less scary than the alternative

Don’t be scared to talk about it. I know it can be super uncomfortable and you don’t want to scare your kiddo but you want them to know that A. it shouldn’t happen and B. they can ALWAYS come talk to you if it does. As Victor says, you are one of their trusted heroes. 

We use car seats in case they get into an accident, and bike helmets in case they fall, and socket covers in case they get curious, and baby gates in case they are crawling, and like a million other things to protect our kiddos. Think of this as another one of those things you do just in case. Hopefully they’ll never need it. But it’ll help prevent them from becoming a victim, and help protect them in case they ever do.

I’m ending this with a big fat HUGE thank you to Victor Pacini for taking the time to chat with me and for dedicating his life to helping thousands of kids, maybe even yours.

Our Curriculum will...

  • Take the pressure off of your counselors and allow them to watch for possible red flags instead of worrying about presenting an uncomfortable topic to their students
  • Eliminate the uncomfortable feelings educators and social workers have about the topics like sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking
  • Raises awareness and empowers students in a non-threatening way
  • Confidently fulfill Erin's Law and other mandates and provide the recommended three follow up resources 

Our curriculum has been created by a survivor of sexual abuse and other family trauma.  Our number one goal is to provide the direction, confidence, and the capability to make this collaborative effort a success!


"It's a breath of fresh air to have Victor do his Erin's Law presentation for our students. He knocked it out of the park. From staff to parents to students everyone is begging me to book him for next year."

Merryl Brownlow
Superintendent, Palos Heights, IL

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